Personalized Therapy

Where your journey to personal wellness includes connection and understanding tailored just for you

Wave Inspired

Welcome to Wave Mental Wellness. Throughout history waves have been used symbolically to represent different aspects of our lives. Our ups and downs, ebbs and flows, the moments of churning inner turmoil, and our soothing ripples of calm. This cyclical nature of existence reminds us that nothing stays the same forever.

Maybe it’s my Nova Scotia background or the many metaphorical ways they mirror our experiences, but waves have always fascinated me – and when it came time to choosing a name for my practice, it was a natural fit.

Below the Crest

Just as the ocean holds a bounty of life beneath its surface, we too have inner depths filled with thoughts, emotions, and experiences that are often hidden from our everyday consciousness.

Growth, Transformation, Healing, and Renewal

Often powerful and unpredictable - our waves eventually calm down, leaving behind a sense of peace. A reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can find the strength to overcome and emerge stronger on the other side.


A community of connection and authenticity built around a culture of genuine care.


To help people feel understood, valued, and supported on their journey to personal wellness.


Acceptance, Authenticity, Belonging, Connection, Empathy, Integrity.

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

- Confucius

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